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V Stubble ploughs (40×40 tines)


Within the range of Solano Horizonte’s agricultural machinery, stubble ploughs are soil tillage implements that are used on one hand to air the ground, and on the other hand to mix the soil with crop and organic residues and stubble in order to enrich it with nutritive elements. We strongly recommend these ploughs for organic farming because, as they till superficially at a low depth, they respect and boost soils’ microbiological life. Their efficiency is even higher as they feature a Non Stop system with double springs (main one + auxiliar one), one standard metallic wheel, and the possibility to mount the following options: hydraulic folding, manual folding, additional wheel, oscilating hitching, etc.

Characteristics V Stubble ploughs (40×40 tines)

  • Structural frame of 100x100x8 mm. up to model V-10 PH inclusive.
  • Structural frame of 200x100x8 mm. in models V-12 and V-12 PH.
  • Separation between work rows of: 320 mm.
  • Separation between bodies: 400 mm.
  • Mooring Non Stop system with double spring reinforcement length 350 mm.
  • Metal wheel as standard on all models (1 unit)
  • Models V-9, V10, V-10 P, and V-12 are not suitable for driving on public roads.
If you are looking for other options on our V Stubble ploughs (40×40 tines), please contact our nearest dealer or the export department of Solano Horizonte.
